
【2日目】(Lunch Box... Part Two)


After the days have passed, we realized how busy we've become.
It has been only 4 days, but today we have been able to sell 25 lunch sets.
Now, we are taking phone orders from taxi drivers that line up at the Tenri station. We went to each taxi, asking "Would you like a lunch box?" and eventually got customers.

あっ子: こうや豆腐が好きなHさん、今度はもっとおいしいこうや豆腐を作れるようにがんばりまーす!

Aco:  To our customer who loves TOFU, we're going to do our best to make even tastier TOFU.

れいな: なんかうちらが作る弁当日に日によくなっていってるよね?どうですかあっ子さん。それを実感してきたのが単品の注文が入った頃から。たまごが気に入ってもらったのか「たまごだけのないの?」って聞かれた。

Reina:  I think our lunch boxes have gotten better each day. What do you think Aco?  We even heard people ask, do you have one with only egg? I guess that instead of just regular seasoning and salt, adding the sweetness of sugar gives it a homemade feeling... I wonder...

あっ子: うん、卵が実は嫌いな私でも、美味しいと思う世界一美味しいたまご焼き! 大好評発売中! 人気商品のため、ご予約はお早めに!! 

Aco:  Yeah! Even for me, I don't like eggs, but I think they're the world's best tasting fried eggs! Make a reservation for your order of this popular item!!

れいな: これ以上予約がきたらちょっと困るかも。特にあっ子がタイに戻った後は私一人でやると思ったらどんだけ大変になるか。ってかもう既に弁当屋になってしまってるよ~ (笑)

Reina:  I think that it would be difficult to do, other than through these advanced orders. Aco, when you return to Thailand, I don't know how busy it would be by myself... lol.

あっ子: という事で、皆さん、予約はできるだけお早めに!(できれば前日に!)笑

Aco:  With that in mind, everyone, please place your orders early (the day before, if possible) LOL.

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